The Process

Over the course of our nine-month planning process, more than 10,000 individuals participated, including about 25% of UConn’s faculty, staff, and students. A Strategic Planning Steering Committee, composed of 25 faculty, staff, students, and UConn Foundation members, was responsible for ensuring an inclusive, transparent process. This group also took the lead in the development of the vision, values, and three goals of this plan.

Three working groups and an implementation team, comprising 38 faculty and staff members, helped shape the six areas of focus and priority actions, considering input that came in many forms, from forums to surveys and individual feedback.

The steering committee co-chairs and the executive director of strategic planning, working closely with the president, shepherded the process, consulting with multiple stakeholders along the way.

In December 2023, the Board of Trustees unanimously adopted the strategic plan, giving UConn its first University-wide strategic plan in 25 years.

2023 Timeline


  • Steering Committee Commences


  • Working Groups and Implementation Team Commence


  • Surveys Sent to Stakeholders
  • Public Forums Held 


  • Working Groups Draft Areas of Focus Based on Feedback

Early November

  • Steering Committee and President Review Areas of Focus
  • Public Forums Held Virtually


  • Working Groups Incorporate Feedback
  • Updated Areas of Focus Shared with Steering Committee and President


  • Board of Trustees Adopts 2024-2034 Strategic Plan