
This plan is a framework that will be used in strategic decision making across the University. The first task of implementation will be to establish policies and procedures to ensure our activities align to this plan.

Along with a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboard, a project dashboard will ensure that the activities necessary to achieve these goals are monitored, achieved, or adjusted as needed.

Where there are programmatic gaps, we will allocate existing resources to keep us on track or identify alternative revenue sources to enable success.

A white female college student wearing a blue shirt that says "UConn," blue latex gloves, and safety glasses holds a large pipette and smiles at someone just to the left of the camera in a lab classroom.


  • Assess success and reflect
  • Leadership communicates priorities
  • Departments submit budget requests
  • Schools and Colleges develop plans of action that align to the strategic plan


  • Schools and Colleges submit plans of action that align to strategic plan, along with budget requests for upcoming academic year


  • Update implementation plan template with actions and indicators of progress


  • UConn Implementation Plan made public
  • Begin to track progress

Key Performance Indicators

Prior to this planning process, our President identified four University-wide key performance indicators (KPIs) for UConn to strive for over the next 5-10 years, as well as a goal of achieving eligibility for membership in the Association of American Universities (AAU). During year one of implementation, we will identify additional KPIs that represent the breadth of actions across areas of focus. KPIs will help us assess progress related to the collective activities of this plan and be tracked annually via a strategic plan dashboard.

6-Year Graduation Rate

in Research Funding

Endowment Funding

Carbon Neutral Organization

A Black male wearing a red pullover featuring the UConn Husky dog logo points with a pen to a scientific presentation on a screen behind him while presenting to a group of males and females who are all facing him.