Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals

Promoting Holistic Student Success
This plan re-envisions how we support all of our students — undergraduate and graduate — to achieve their goals. It centers the whole needs of students across all that we do, whether within our teaching and learning or across our academic supports and co-curricular and enrichment opportunities. Our intent is to ensure a fulfilling higher education experience toward the goal of graduation while also positioning students for academic, career, and life success once they leave us.

Expanding Research Impact
This plan asserts UConn’s research preeminence among U.S. public universities in advancing discovery, cutting-edge solutions, and innovation that transforms knowledge, lives, and communities. It outlines key investment areas that build the capacity of our research enterprise, including the recruitment and retention of world-class researchers and scholars at the vanguard of their fields.

Powering a Thriving Connecticut
As Connecticut’s public flagship university, this plan will deepen UConn’s partnerships in service of our state and its communities. It recognizes the breadth of our impact via education, research, and engagement and outreach. It identifies targeted areas of future focus that position Connecticut as a leader in our nation and world in health and wellness, economic development, and environmental sustainability.